Cold In Place Asphaltic Pavement Full Depth Recycling

Client : Dubai Petroluem
Location : Margham Road
Start Date : 30 May 2018
Completed Date : 10 July 2018

Construction Period: 40 Days

  • Works and Services provided :

Project comprises of construction of road works using full depth cold in place recycling method. Recycling shall be done in various stages continuously without any gap, namely: recycling, compaction using sheep foot roller, leveling and compaction with steel roller, micro cracking and curing.

This project completed while the plant was in operation and the work completed in 40 days.

•    Cold in place recycling has been determined as most effective and environmental friendly solution vs. conventional methods in which the following principal goals will be met:

•    Higher quality and longer life durability. 

•    Minimum 50% saving on construction time. 

•    Life cost effective solution. 

•    Major saving on human and machinery depreciation.

•     Non destruction on natural resources. 

•    100% saving the existing road materials (recycling)

•    Less disruption in traffic flow.

•    Less material transportation, hence less damage to the existing roads.